↓English description below
「AGLOC」ってなんなの? 私達はよくこの問いを投げかけられます。
私たちは、様々な活動を行っています。 時には農業ボランティア、時には商品開発、そして時には海外視察。
興味の赴くままに探求する。 そういう団体なのかもしれません。
メンバー1人1人、思いのままに。 新しいことを恐れず、常に変わっていける団体でありたい。
もちろん、このページを見て下さっている「誰か」によって AGLOCはその姿を変えていくでしょう。
姿を変えながら一歩ずつ前へ そんな意思を強く持って、我々は進んでいきます。
What is AGLOC? We are often asked this question.
We are involved in a variety of activities. Sometimes we volunteer in agriculture, sometimes we develop products, and sometimes we visit overseas.
We have left our footprints in many places.
Although we have this concept, there is no barrier in our activities.
There is never a barrier in our activities.
What is "AGLOC"?
There is no clear answer to this question.
We create new perspectives, things, and experiences that have never existed before.
We explore as our interests take us. Maybe that's what we are.
Each and every member is free to do as they want. We want to be an organization that is not afraid of new things and can always change.
Of course, AGLOC will change the way it should be depending on "someone" who is looking at this page.
And right now, at this very moment, AGLOC is constantly changing.
Tomorrow, it will be different again.
We will keep moving forward, step by step, with our strong will.